Reflections on jewelry and Grandma Amanda by Laurie Norstedt

Grandma Amanda

My experience with dementia is on the periphery. I have sympathized with friends on the front line, joined book group discussions on the topic and worked as a dietitian with the progression of the disease in long term care facilities, but have no personal saga to share.

My experience with jewelry is hard core. When my sister Moya painted family plates, I was the only one caricatured wearing big earrings and a bracelet. Wearing jewelry at work promoted a universal conversation opener with both institutionalized teens and centenarians. The most positive comments come from residents on a dementia unit. I hang bedroom walls with bold necklaces, a trait I must have inherited from my Grandma Amanda who wore jewelry daily and displayed the unworn prominently on her dresser. Since I have none of hers, I had the fun of selecting something of Zella’s that most reminded me of my Grandma. I look forward to starting more conversations on jewelry and dementia as I wear the blue/brown earrings and beads as a tribute to her… and to Zella.

Laurie Norstedt

Laurie modeling set #238.

Set #238, which reminded Laurie of the kind of jewelry her Grandma Amanda wore.

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